Fashion & beauty has conjured up many emotions for women for centuries, all born from the hard coded instincts that we all have and cannot just turn off.
Sure many of us learn to deal with these emotions in many ways, some embrace fashion in every way, drinking up all the latest fashion trends and anything to do with beauty. At the other end of the scale we have others that run from it, hate what they see in the mirror, have very low self-confidence and live in a negative mind set about themselves.
As a personal stylist we come in contact with both, plus all the people that fall between these two extremes. Everyone is so different in their thoughts and emotions about fashion and beauty but the common theme is that we all want to look good.
This is where the problem really starts.
With the fashion industry pushing unrealistic images of the latest fashion trends through the media it creates desires and unrealistic expectations in the hearts of women the world over. It’s not just the gorgeous model that has been handpicked from thousands, it’s the young skinny body, the team of photographers, graphic artists and stylists that go to work to make that image look incredible, the end result is a depiction of something that is not real world. However, women judge themselves to this unrealistic picture.
Back to the real world, for personal stylists we are meet with this every day. We have to work with these expectations women have, their negative self-image and at the same time creating a wardrobe that suits their body shape, personality, age and lifestyle using the latest fashion where we can without the client looking like a fashion victim.
Most importantly it’s being supportive, understanding and a wizard at coming up with many looks in the most cost effective way to suit their budget and that they just love and feel super confidant in. Success with this delivers an attitude of freedom, a freedom of not being caught up worrying about what to wear from the latest fashion trends anymore because they have a complete mix and match wardrobe and a guide to what to wear that makes them feel great everyday they step out their door.
To matching up with the latest fashion trends Cindy Newstead – a personal stylist have given fashion tips for real world ladies.