How style magazines and Personal Stylists keep your style up to date.
Keeping your style up to date can be challenging for many particularly when life gets more complicated and busy as we get older and start a family. Along with body shape changes, age appropriateness etc. there are numerous elements that courses your style to be pushed down the list of importance.
As a personal stylist I see the unfortunate results of those that do put their style, and the way they look, second. Their self-esteem and confidence slowly get eroded which then can cause depression, relationship and family issues, effect their work and many other negative problems, but it does not need to be this way. There are so many simple things that can help prevent this and the best way is to put these in action before the rot sets in.
Firstly style magazines, subscribing to a couple that you like is a wise thing as they will be delivered to your door every month and the act of just flicking through these will not only keep you up to date with the latest trend but it will keep you motivated to keep a focus on your own style.
Another good idea that is similar to style magazines is to subscribe to fashion blogs like my style and fashion blog, they are a great resource as you are a part of a community and have the chance to ask questions on the different topics and photos posted on the blog.
To take it further you could find a personal stylist in your area and make permanent bookings in advance. Ideally two personal shopping consultations a year just prior to the beginning of each main season, Autumn/winter spring/summer. Doing this will take the pain out of going to the shops and doing it all yourself. If your personal stylist is experience and well trained then you will have a wardrobe that will take all the stress out of dressing each day plus you will look and feel fantastic every day.
Another important thing to do is to sit down with your partner and discuss this, being open and honest and getting their full support is a very important thing for both of you. You can explain how important it is for you to keep up your appearance not just for them but also for yourself. Explain the benefits that will come to the family unit if you are feeling good about yourself and the positive role model you will be for the children.