Life would be pale without colours. Without colours, life would seem like a black and white television movie. The appreciation we have of beauty, a sunset or a blooming flower, comes from the vibrance of colours. This also holds true for us. Colours are just one of the things that can uplift us and bring out that certain liveliness in us. It can impact our mood, and most importantly, our looks.
Have you ever found that perfect dress, only to be disappointed with the way you look in it? Have you ever lusted after a certain colour trend, then discovered that it does not blend with your skin tone? Or worse, buying this dress in this colour, then suddenly you don’t feel like wearing it because you look plain and dull?
Colours effect us in so many ways. There are some shades that look great on us, while there are others that are extremely dry. We know that there are certain shades that look good together, and others that don’t, and that is why not all colours will look good on us. We are made up of many different colours and shades ourselves, are we not?
This is where the importance of a personal colour analysis lies.
Personal colour analysis is a technique used by a colour consultant to determine the shades that would work best for you. To identify these colours, at the start of your colour analysis your colour consultant will need to find out a little bit about you, like you age, your work, and your lifestyle. They will also assess your eye colour, hair colour, and complexion.
If you have a favourite colour that you would rather not tow away from, then your colour consultant will tailor their technique to include it, showing you the best shades of this colour for you and how you should wear them.
This kind of analysis is most beneficial in fashion and makeup. You will learn about how to apply your own personal colour palette to everything you wear, and your colour consultant will also educate you on the basics of colour mixing and matching.
If you find you are having trouble generating the best colour for you with regards to your clothes and your makeup, you should seek the help of a highly regarded colour consultant Melbourne are renowned for today. Having a personal colour analysis will change the way you feel about fashion, and will ultimately encourage you to feel better about yourself and the way you look.